Art Teaches That by Chapin~ Drawing Series 1


Art Teaches That

…. is a series really about Opening Young Minds with Art.   It is a series ​for kids 8 on up. Learning to Draw being the beginning!!  Christmas is just around the corner. Just $15/lesson with extras included throughout the year paid annually.  Now through November 10th early birds Pay What You Want.

Art Teaches That…. is a video series about Unleashing kids imagination with art. It is a series ​for kids 8 on up. Learning to Draw from the beginning

If you have children or grand kids 8+ years of age or
you’re trying to teach your children at home or
just want to expand their horizons, don’t forget art. Art is one of the best things to introduce them to.
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Refer 5 friends and receive a $25 Gift Certificate for Art Supplies Refer 5 friends to sign up for the Annual Gift Certificate in “Art Teaches That” When they sign up have them write in Paypal Notes your name and a gift coupon will be sent to you by return email. It’s That Easy.  Below is an email you can cut and paste into an email to your friend.  
I just subscribed for Gift Certificate for name of child in  “Art Teaches That”.  It’s a video series teaching drawing created by and produced by Professional Artist Deborah Chapin for kids 8 years and older .  Lessons are only $15 each paid annually, she also has monthly subscribers  Check it out
Art Teaches That.... is a series really about Opening Young Minds with Art. It is a series ​for kids 8 on up. Learning to Draw being the beginning

Membership Card with all the adventure of Maine:  Art Teaches That…. is a series really about Opening Young Minds with Art. It is a series ​for kids 8 on up. Learning to Draw from the beginning

What Art Teaches

  • Observation of Nature
  • Patience and Persistence
  • Creative Problem Solving Skills
  • Hand Eye Coordination….
  • Want your child to learn how to solve problems, learn how to analyze. Art can teach you that.
  • Learn how to create something from nothing? Art can teach you that.
  • Learn how to concentrate? Art can teach you that.
  • Learn how to decode complicated thing, break them down into their simplest form then build them back up again? Art can teach you that.

I’m Deborah Chapin, a long time professional artist who’s lectured at the Smithsonian American Art Museum and exhibited my paintings worldwide (see CV). I’ve put together a series of videos to start your children off in art, in particular drawing. The goal isn’t to make everyone into artists but to learn the skills that art teaches.

What’s Included in the Series Learning to Draw 1

We explore the

  • basics of shading,
  • cast shadow,
  • basic forms,
  • composition,
  • perspective,
  • do exercises with what we learn,
  • do variation on the use of forms
  • seeing it in nature as well as exploring in little field trips to discover what we’ve learned.

    See the full Lesson Plan

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This video series consists of 19 lessons for subscribers @ $15/lesson paid annually and have access for a year with access to all other videos added during the year. Makes a fantastic Christmas Gift for your kids or grand kids. They can also subscribe at $35/month.  Videos can be played on iPad, iPhone, smart TV, computers anywhere basically you can hook up to the net and children can repeat video lessons and pause them, they practice then resume.   Each Child is given their own studio room on my private site which they can access and use. Your child will have hours of lessons to follow along, that they can take at their own pace or that you can add to your home schooling schedule. This Christmas open the door to art for your child.

A balanced life full of art and cultural appreciation as well as mindful study of nature is an important part to life and one of the keys to resilience, and a long happy life.

Subscribe Monthly for $35/month.  Purchase as a gift for your children, grandchildren or great grand kids and start Opening their Young Minds with Art.

Examples of Charcoal Drawing: Refer 5 friends and receive a $25 Gift Certificate for Art Supplies Refer 5 friends to sign up for the Annual Gift Certificate in “Art Teaches That” When they sign up have them write in Paypal Notes your name and a gift coupon will be sent to you by return email. It’s That Easy.  Below is an email you can cut and paste into an email to your friend.  
I just subscribed for Gift Certificate for name of child in  “Art Teaches That”.  It’s a video series teaching drawing created by and produced by Professional Artist Deborah Chapin for kids 8 years and older .  Lessons are only $15 each paid annually, she also has monthly subscribers  Check it out

Additional information


$15/lesson for 19 Lessons in Learn to Draw Series 1 paid for 1 year membership


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