Original Oil Paintings on Canvas, Discoveries on the Beach, 21×34

Discoveries on the Beach Paintings on Canvas, 21x34 plein air oil Deborah Chapin

The original oil paintings on canvas was painted on location in Brittany.  I focused on the fresh water run offs in my beach painting that was the design elements for the subject.  Kids were everywhere so I just returned when they were about and added to the scene.  This piece was exhibited in a one-person exhibition at the National Arts Club in New York.   Original Available for $9500 contact the studio through our contact page

About the Brittany Beach Paintings:  I painted 7 years in France from 1991-1998 5 of those included projects painted in Brittany France.  I had continuous showings of these works each year as well as work from other locations in France during this period.  I loved the Brittany coast and in particular the rugged surf and coastal pieces but also the tranquil nature of peace and rest associated with the beach.  In painting over 150 original oil paintings which included abstract marines, coastals,  harbor scenes, sandy beach paintings I also painted a significant number of scenes with people, houses and local life.

About the Artist: My Online Studio is an extension of my studio. When you enter you are entering my studio but without the housekeeping. I offer fine art in original oil paintings on linen and also canvas prints of favorite original pieces. Most of my originals in the past 20 years have been painted en plein air ( on location) I have lectured and made film presentation at the Smithsonian American Art Museum, exhibited at the Louvre, and museums through out the world see by exhibition history at Deborah Chapin’s Website Studio
The next 30 years I expect to be doing a combination of unusual water portrait work and collector’s favorite, my beach scenes with people. If you have questions feel free to ask.
For more information see

Exhibition History ~ Deborah Chapin