Surf Painting White Horses of the Sea 5 by Deborah Chapin

Deborah is a long time professional artist who has lectured at the Smithsonian American Art Museum on color and plein air painting and has exhibited her works in museums worldwide. For more information about the artist see her online portfolio of fine art and her cv/biography
About the Artist: My Online Studio is an extension of my studio. When you enter you are entering my studio but without the housekeeping. I offer fine art in original oil paintings on linen and also canvas prints of favorite original pieces. Most of my originals in the past 20 years have been painted en plein air ( on location) I have lectured and made film presentation at the Smithsonian American Art Museum, exhibited at the Carrousel du Louvre, and museums through out the world see by exhibition history at Exhibition History
The next 30 years I expect to continue my journey. If you have questions feel free to ask.
Surf Painting White Horses of the Sea 5 by Deborah Chapin
Surf Painting White Horses of the Sea 5 by Deborah Chapin Painting of Stormy Seas at Pemaquid Point Maine Art.
Surf Painting White Horses of the Sea 5 by Deborah Chapin Painting of Stormy Seas at Pemaquid Point Maine Art. Maine Woman Marine Artist, Deborah Chapin is working on a new series of Maine Coastal Art with her depiction of White Horses of the Sea. “White Horses of the Sea 5″ at Pemaquid Point Maine off of the Pemaquid Point Lighthouse, is original art, a Maine Marine Art piece inspired by the poem “White Horses of the Sea” by Elfin? although I believe it is an extraction of Byron’s . (See Poem below). I’m doing a series of small pieces of those foamy steeds.
Surf Painting White Horses of the Sea V by Deborah Chapin Painting of Stormy Seas at Pemaquid Point Maine Art.
Surf Painting White Horses of the Sea V by Deborah Chapin Painting of Stormy Seas at Pemaquid Point Maine Art. Maine Woman Marine Artist, Deborah Chapin is working on a new series of Maine Coastal Art with her depiction of White Horses of the Sea. “White Horses of the Sea V″ at Pemaquid Point Maine off of the Pemaquid Point Lighthouse, is original art, a Maine Marine Art piece inspired by the poem “White Horses of the Sea” by Elfin? although I believe it is an extraction of Byron’s . I’m doing a series of small pieces of those foamy steeds.
Maine Marine Artist
Deborah Chapin is working a series of small paintings on the subject of Sea and Surf depicting White Horses of the Sea. “White Horses of the Sea 5” at Pemaquid Point Lighthouse, is original art, by Maine Marine Artist Deborah Chapin inspired by the poem “White Horses of the Sea” She is just beginning her exploration of the coast of Maine but it is not her first exploration of a coast. Deborah Chapin has been painting marine art for 4 decades and many collectors have admired and purchased her work worldwide. She paints complex wave actions as well as the simple wave on a beach pieces. “I’m just getting the movements of the wave action at Pemaquid Point, she said,” “Every combination of wave and wind and rock formations will result in different (water) actions.” Pemaquid point is proving to be a rich environment for an experienced eye, with several points of rocks jutting out, large boulders and the ability for a churning action of the water because of a drop level. It also produces a lot of what she calls slapping back of one wave into another, it proved ideal action for the proverbial white horses. Spits of water and foam which create the shapes of horses.
Estimated reading time: 5 minutes