“Smithsonian Butterflies”, paintings and cards by Deborah Chapin
Pre-order Now! All New 2024 “Smithsonian Butterflies” 7.5 x 7.5 book of Paintings and Cards Deborah Chapin full color hardcover book, collection created for Neiman Marcus. New This Christmas republishing of cards on order. Information Coming Soon. Available exclusively from the Author Sites
This book is a celebration of the butterfly and their fellow pollinators in both art and design. Pollinators are so important to the world in which we live. Butterflies, like all pollinators are the reason we have fruit on the trees and crops in the fields. One only has to watch the PBS film “Silence of the Bees” to realize how incredibly important they are. Watching the Chinese trying to pollinate their fruit trees with a feather you shudder at a glimpse into a bleak future.
The Sources
that I use to create art out of any subject are illusive and unknown to me;
its like a well-spring which flows to the surface; developed over a lifetime, it allows me to see something of beauty in the smallest things. Nature and color are undoubtedly triggers of my imagination. Color is a passion, and the butterfly is a treasure of nature’s color and design, capturing the imagination in many ways. This book is a meant to be a celebration of that exquisite beauty found in nature’s function and purpose. A feast for the eyes and a delight for the senses. Just like the subject, the joy of living every moment to its fullest especially if you are a butterfly and only have two weeks to live.
Color and line swirling around seeming to follow the flight of the butterfly, invite the viewer to dream and wander through the imagination.
Modern Technology
has played no small role in the creation of both the cards and the book.
Spending countless hours experimenting and learning to paint with modern tools while holding true to fine art principles passed down through the centuries. This allowed for free association of mind, subject and mood, melding old worlds into new and revealing endless combinations and possibilities.”
“Smithsonian Butterflies” 7.5×7.5 book of Paintings and Cards Deborah Chapin full color hardcover book, collection created for Neiman Marcus. Printed on 80# coated stock in paperback and hardcover. ISBN #: 0-9825354-1-4, 42 pages.
Text and originals by Deborah Chapin copyright © 2010 Deborah Chapin. Compilation – including selection of text and images by NHStudios Press 2010. All rights reserved under international copyright conventions. No part of this book may be reproduced or utilized in any way for or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system, without express written permission from the author. The Digital Twisted Designs are copyrighted as well as the original art. Inquires should be addressed to business@deborahchapin.com Second Edition, 7.5×7.5 Square
Collection of Paintings and Cards of the Smithsonian Live Butterfly Exhibition. Now available in a miniature format book. I did a series of cards for Neiman Marcus original and digital art available. Available in Hardcover and Softcover versions with premium paper special orders available. Book includes the collection of paintings and digital artwork related to the Butterfly Cards, an explanation of the development of the project, descriptions and writings about the art and the live butterfly exhibit. Cards will be available for Christmas in limited quantity. Refer back to this page for updates.
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From the Author: This is a new version of the Smithsonian Butterflies book available through this site and other Author sites. the 2010 version in Amazon is still up at this time. Cards will be coming out this fall for the Christmas season on a limited basis.