Original Oil Painting, A Day at the Park by Deborah Chapin
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Original Oil Painting, Buy Art Online, A Day at the Park by Deborah Chapin
I had a great day painting at Reid Park and painted on Griffith point. The Plein air Painters of Maine were out there but I only saw a few and they were in a different location. Big place so really unless you’re all painting at the same location you don’t see each other. Contact Us About This Piece if you have questions, please include the title in your subject line.
I painted this original oil painting on site (en plein air). I had a great day painting at Reid Park and painted on Griffith point. The Plein air Painters of Maine were out there but I only saw a few and they were in a different location. Big place so really unless you’re all painting at the same location you don’t see each other.
It was a great location and I can envision having other pieces that would be good. I did a sketch and I’m going to tweak some of the foreground stones. But great color to work with. Such fun to finally be getting in the groove. This is where I stopped yesterday and I have some work to do this morning but I will get to it this afternoon.
I think the location that I picked would make a great large piece and and I have to see in a different types of weather too.
I traveled over over to the other side and saw a perfect location for the fall at dusk.
Contact Us About This Piece if you have questions, please include the title in your subject line.
About the Process of creating Original art: I like to paint several smaller paintings, working myself up to larger work, as I learn the subject matter. Gradually developing a portfolio which expresses the full character of the place. Pemaquid Point is no different to than one of my favorite haunts in France. It must be explored and appreciated and allowed to seep in at it’s own pace. I think deeply and like to delve into the nature of the place, learning the nooks and crannies and developing a deep appreciation of its beauty. Instant gratification is not my thing. I have never been someone who thought a cursory look at someplace even counted as having seen something. This series of plein air and studio paintings are new work added to an already extensive portfolio of 40 years of art.
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Blue Dot Reserve
I invented the blue dot reserve for collectors who saw a painting at the show preview that they wanted to purchase, so that they could bring a spouse or friend to see the piece before purchasing. The piece would hold for the first 15 mins into the show opening. Blue dots were applied on a first come first serve basis. Once the show started if someone else wanted to buy the piece the blue dot collector had the right to purchase the piece or the blue dot was removed and the next purchaser was free to purchase. This eliminated a lot of acrimony when collectors are vying for the first dibs on paintings.
My first experience with this phenomenon was at the Greenwich Workshop Galleries shows during a “Of Ships and the Sea” exhibit when Graham Stiles was the director. He had a number of collectors come in for an early preview for work and those collectors would be able to buy paintings during the preview. While that’s great for the artist in the gallery it isn’t particularly fair to novice collectors who would be furious when at the opening they saw red dots. So the blue dot eliminates this problem and everybody relaxes a little. All is more fair and open and anyone can put their blue dot on a piece to hold it while they bring their spouse, aunt and uncle and whomever and that way they know they’re sure of their purchase. A collector does have to buy it within the first 15 minutes of the show with a preview blue dot and collectors would come by and say is that painting being bought and if I call out and say who’s blue dot is this and they’re not there they lose out but they’ve been given a fair shot and most the time it works out really well for everybody. Everyone gets what they need and they want and then the next round those collectors that didn’t come to the preview and put a blue dot on a piece are aware that they can do it and so then they do.
Original Oil Painting, Buy Art Online, A Day at the Park by Deborah Chapin
I had a great day painting at Reid Park and painted on Griffith point. The Plein air Painters of Maine were out there but I only saw a few and they were in a different location. Big place so really unless you’re all painting at the same location you don’t see each other.
“painting the surf en plein air while the sun is rising and the light is changing is the ultimate challenge. As one of the few people in the world who can do it I love it when it comes out like this. Makes a truely unique work of art, never seen before or since. You can not repeat all the possible variations of surf, tide, light, atmosphere and experience of the artist. Makes it truly original and rare and that is what make REAL art collectible.”
Original Oil Painting, Buy Art Online, A Day at the Park by Deborah Chapin, $2250
Estimated reading time: 7 minutes